An Illustrated Look at NYT's Maureen Dowds Bad Trip on Edibles


Like countless other journalists before her, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd recently had the groundbreaking idea to get high while reporting on weed. You know, to make it more authentic.

Unfortunately for Dowd, her drugs of choice – “chardonnay and mediocre-movies-on-demand” – did little to prepare her for Denver edibles. So when she ventured to a local pot shop, grabbed a candy bar and started nibbling, she got more than she bargained for.

Lucky for us, she documented the whole thing in an article entitled (what else?) “Don’t Harsh Our Mellow, Dude.” And while most of our stoned, paranoid, stream of consciousness thoughts will never make it further than our iPhone notes or Tumblr, Dowd’s journey through edibles is chronicled on the esteemed op-ed pages of the world’s most major newspaper.

Here’s how it went down.

FYI, Maureen: Fusion’s Chief Cannabis Correspondent, Ryan Nerz, wrote a handy how-to guide for safe and enjoyable edible consumption. Better luck next time.

Alexandra DiPalma is a producer for Fusion Lightworks, Fusion’s In-house Branded Content Agency.

Andy is a graphics editor and cartoonist at Fusion.

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