Check out this Mexican graffiti drone that's taking protest to new heights


Her name is Droncita, a Mexican drone that trolls President Enrique Peña Nieto.

The graffiti-spraying drone, created by the the radical Mexican protest collective Rexiste, is quickly becoming an internet sensation. “We are an idea, without owner, without copyright, replicable, appropriable, an insurrect utopia, viral art. I exist because I resist,” reads the group’s motto.

Prior to turning her into a grafitera, Rexiste used Droncita to film protests for the 43 missing students of Ayotzinapa.

Rexiste and their drone recently gained more popularity when HBO comedian John Oliver slammed President Peña Nieto and featured an ‘exploding poop’ emoji that the protest collective claims it created.

Rexiste is gaining fame on social media by blending street art, technology and internet culture such as emojis, gifs and memes to take protests beyond the street and into the realm of virality.

Fusion reached out to the group for an interview, but they declined citing “security matters.”

Here’s some of the group’s more popular work:

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