Steve Bannon Thinks Martin Luther King Would Love Trump


Steve Bannon, a bloated cow stomach packed with half-digested beef jerky and racism, is positing the theory that Martin Luther King would actually have been into Donald Trump. Yep!

During an interview with the BBC set to air Wednesday evening, Bannon—who just months ago stepped down as executive chairman of the web’s premiere racist cesspool, Breitbart—insisted that King “would be proud” of what Trump has done for black and Latinx people.

“If you look at the policies of Donald Trump, anybody… Martin Luther King would be proud of him, of what he’s done for the black and Hispanic community for jobs,” Bannon told to BBC anchor Emily Maitlis.

Incredibly, he just kept on talking:

You don’t think Martin Luther King would be proud? Look at the unemployment we had in the black community five years ago. You don’t think Martin Luther King would sit there and go ‘Yes, you’re putting young black men and women to work. There’s the lowest unemployment we’ve had in history. And wages are starting to rise among the working class. And you’ve finally stopped the illegal alien labor forces coming in and competing with them every day, and destroying the schools and destroying the healthcare.’ Absolutely.

No…I don’t think Martin Luther King would sit there and go any of that.

In fact, the current black unemployment rate is part of a longstanding downward trend that began in mid-2013, smack in the middle of Barack Obama’s second term in office—not that that would matter to Steve Bannon, whose chief claim to fame now seems to be stuffing his rapidly decaying carcass into at least four ill-fitting collared shirts at a time.

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