The U.S. is not killing it when it comes to human rights


Amnesty International released its annual report on the state of human rights across the globe for the past year. No surprise here— the world isn’t in great shape. Including the U.S.

Here are three horrifying facts we learned from the report about the state of human rights in the United States in the past year:

  • Tens of thousands of prisoners were being held in isolation in federal and state prisons across the country and confined to their cells for nearly the entire day. (To learn more about life in isolation, especially for a minor, read this teen’s tale of living in solitary confinement at Rikers Island.)
  • At least 35 people in 18 states died from police using Tasers. That brings the total number of such deaths to 602 since 2001, according to Amnesty International’s report.
  • The report also went into detail about the conditions the “more than 50,000 unaccompanied migrant children” who were apprehended crossing the border face, including days or weeks in unclean facilities and a lack of access to legal counsel or medical attention. While the flood of child migrants will likely resume this year, last year’s crisis won’t be repeated. Click here for more on the dangers migrant children face.

Abby Rogers is a feminist who is completely content being a crazy cat lady. She reads everything, but only in real book form — no e-readers thank you very much.

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