A List of All the Insanely Corrupt Shit Scott Pruitt Has Gotten Away With as Head of the EPA

Trump Administration

Scott Pruitt, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, is the best example of the Trump administration’s flagrant, unbridled corruption—aside from Donald Trump himself.

The latest news in the Scott Pruitt-is-corrupt-as-hell storyline today is that Pruitt directed aides to book travel to the Rose Bowl. According to the New York Times, Pruitt was able to secure plum seats close to the 50-yard-line—with the help of a University of Oklahoma regent who just so happens to have ties to the oil industry. He also reportedly dispatched at least three EPA aides to help his daughter secure a White House internship last summer.

It boggles the mind to attempt to keep track of all the corruption that happens in the Trump administration every day. So, for your convenience, here is a comprehensive list of all the ways (that we know of) in which Pruitt has used his public office for personal gain since becoming EPA administrator over the course of the past 16 months—while managing to keep his job:

I’m sure I’m forgetting something!

Corruption doesn’t always get rewarded by this administration; Tom Price resigned as Secretary of Health and Human Services after it was revealed that he was abusing his flying privileges.

Still, the president and Pruitt have apparently bonded over their sense of “mutual persecution” by the media for reporting how comically corrupt and bad they both are. As such, it seems likely that Scotty is here to stay.

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