Can someone check in with Ted Cruz and see if he's OK? Because his emails are getting weird.


Ted Cruz was the first major candidate to formally declare his candidacy for the 2016 election, and he started things off with an optimistic speech at Liberty University, an evangelical school in Lynchburg, Va. “I believe in you,” he told students last March. “I believe in the power of millions of courageous conservatives rising up to reignite the promise of America, and that is why today I am announcing that I’m running for president of the United States.”

His early campaign communications struck an equally sunny note, like this one from July 4th in which Ted is feeling pretty good and hoping everyone else is feeling pretty good, too:

July, it seems, was a good month for Ted’s team. A time of out-raising other Republicans and just a general sense of gratitude:

But things started to kind of change when winter hit. It all began with a literal plea for help from Heidi Cruz, the Texas senator’s wife. Something had happened, and she was “worried sick”:

After that night, a seed had been planted. A seed that asked: Hey is everything OK with Ted Cruz?

Two weeks later, I woke up to this:

Drop dead? Drop dead Ted? Ted. I mean… Ted. Are you OK, Ted?

Things went from bad to worse later that week. To be perfectly honest, at this point, I was really like, hey, maybe someone should check in on Ted Cruz?

No time to explain????? Ted. Ted. Ted?

A new font? A different email account? Can someone call Ted and just say “hey”? Maybe keep things casual at first but then really check in and be like, “Are you OK, Ted?”

Then this came yesterday. I don’t know what to think. Except like… Ted. Ted? Ted? Are you OK, Ted?

Now I am just like, hey, can someone check in with Ted Cruz?

Ted. Ted, are you OK? Ted. Ted. Ted?

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