Congresswoman Calls Out GOP 'Sex-Starved Male' Colleagues and All Hell Breaks Loose


Sometimes it feels good to sling some infuriated insult at the Republicans denying people the right to control their own bodies, even if it doesn’t entirely make sense. For California Rep. Norma Torres, today must have been one of those times.

Speaking on the House floor on Wednesday during a debate about 2020 federal spending, Torres ripped into her Republican colleagues for making baseless comments about abortion, calling them “sex-starved males.”

“Mr. Speaker, it is tiring to hear from so many sex-starved males on this floor talk about a woman’s right to choose,” Torres said, met with many a BOOOOOO from the very men she intended to offend.

Georgia Rep. Rob Woodall interjected immediately, asking Torres if she’d change her statement. She obliged, but not without punching up again.

“Mr. Speaker, if it pleases my colleague on the other side, I will withdraw my statement about sex-starved males on the floor,” she responded.

“I will agree to withdraw my statement regarding…” Torres continued, smiling and almost starting to say the phrase again until Woodall cut her off.

Torres went on to say that she is tired of continually being counseled about women’s reproductive rights while on the House floor and in committee.

“Rightfully, I deserve to have [the ability to make these decisions] with my own doctor, choosing when women want to have a family, and to avoid pregnancies before they become pregnancies,” she said. “It is unfortunate that that is something that continues to be denied to American women, day in and day out, on this floor.”

I don’t blame her for bringing out the big guns to hit these idiots where it hurts. Before her remarks, Rep. Ross Spano waxed on about how the Hyde Amendment, which prevents federal funding from being used on abortion services, prevents paying “entities that kill unborn children.” Later on, after Torres delivered her burn, New Jersey Rep. Christopher Smith called the reproductive rights movement a “modern-day flat earth society.”

This, as Torres said, is probably just a snippet of the what she and other female Congress members have to deal with on a regular basis. She can tear down these asshats to her heart’s content—particularly with reproductive rights under siege across multiple states.

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