Crypto Is a Brotherhood. Also I Want to Get Rich, But It's a Brotherhood, Too


Bitcoin is cratering. Experts are calling it the “mother of all bubbles.” But here’s what all the “nay sayers” don’t understand: the crypto brotherhood shall never die.

Why am I a respected crypto expert? Lots of reasons. But one stands out: brotherhood. Sure, I could have done anything incredibly well. I could have been a rich and successful mountain climber, or lion tamer, or book guy. I chose instead to be a crypto guy. Why (to return to the question at hand)? Because crypto is a brotherhood. And nothing captures the essence of that brotherhood like this touching story captured by Bloomberg:

The last time Marc Kenigsberg traveled to London, he messaged his cryptocurrency friends on WhatsApp to ask who would be around. One of the guys in the chat offered to pick him up at the airport.
On the hour-long ride to Cambridge, they talked about how virtual money would cause the same upheaval in the financial system that email did to the post office.

Who wouldn’t want to “get in” on this sort of incredible food, fellowship, and fun? Fortunately, because I care about expanding the brotherhood, I’m willing to sell you all of my bit coins right now. Cash on the table. Buy me out. Please. Hello?

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