Donald Trump Got a Warm 'Welcome To Hell' From Protesters When He Came To Germany


Some 100,000 protesters were on hand Thursday to greet President Donald Trump when he arrived in Hamburg, Germany, for the G20 summit with a massive demonstration, organized by a coalition of anti-capitalist groups, that they dubbed “Welcome to Hell.”

Although the meeting of world leaders, who include Russian President Vladimir Putin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan, doesn’t officially begin until Friday, a police force 20,000 strong was already on hand. Somehow, law enforcement have projected that some 8,000 demonstrators are “ready to commit violence” at a moment’s notice, according to Reuters.

Security forces had already used high-powered water cannons on demonstrators as a crowd control measure. Five were injured and five were arrested, The Guardian reported.

A document drawn up by the German defense ministry, which was leaked to the German newspaper Der Spiegel, mentioned plans by protesters to “disrupt the summit’s procedure, occupy all access routes and logistics hubs, attack urban infrastructure and blockade the harbor.”

The office was also cautioning soldiers against wearing their uniforms out in public during the course of the summit, lest they be attacked by what they dubbed “members of the violent-prone participants of leftwing extremist protests.”

The G20 summit runs Friday and Saturday.

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