Donald Trump is reportedly 'desperate' to add a Latino to his Cabinet


President-elect Donald Trump, who railed against Mexican immigrants as “rapists” and antagonized Latinx communities with his pledge to build a border wall as a candidate, is now reportedly “desperate” to add a Latino person to his Cabinet.

After weeks of criticism over his announced picks for top administration jobs–a lineup that’s glaringly white, male, and obscenely wealthy–Trump is looking for a Latino official to serve as agriculture secretary, one of few remaining openings, according to a Thursday report from Politico.

One unnamed top Trump donor told the site that the president-elect’s transition team is so “desperate to find a Latino for agriculture” that they’ve started reaching out to candidates who are part-Latino and have no experience with agriculture.

Mario Rodriguez, who heads a Latino super PAC and is on Trump’s Hispanic advisory committee, said he’s heard good things from transition officials about the president-elect’s meeting with Latino candidates for the job.

“He wants to put a Latino in the Cabinet, he’s not doing it just for show,” Rodriguez told Politico.

For now, (excluding the vice president and senior White House staff) 14 members of Trump’s Cabinet are white, 12 of whom are men. The administration has tapped three women of color for Cabinet roles. Ben Carson, Trump’s former campaign rival, is the only black top-ranking official. There are no Latino people.

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