Donald Trump's 9/11 'best wishes' tweet is now lost to time


Two years ago, on 9/11/2013, Donald Trump sent out a tweet to commemorate the tragedy from twelve years prior. He did so in a very Trumpian manner: by sending “best wishes” to “to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th.”

“Happy 9/11! Were you good this year?” This tweet is something The Onion would do to get a rueful laugh. It was often brought up and resurfaced by Trump critics, who presumably found that the tweet that indicated a certain quality of the man, and the tweeter.

Alas, the tweet is now gone, according to Politico, deleted sometime Friday morning.

A campaign spokesperson, when asked for comment, told Politco semi-correctly, “The tweet is from several years ago.” True!

To be fair to Mr. Trump, “best wishes” seems to be a boilerplate part of his holiday-greeting Tweets.

(A quick scan of the candidate’s account shows that no one was offered best wishes on Labor Day. It remains to be seen whether the haters and the losers will be bid a fond Rosh Hashannah.)

The scrubbers down at 725 5th Avenue forgot one crucial element, however. They would’ve gotten away with it too if they had just remembered to delete the Manual RTs!


But hey, it’s a great Donald Trump tweet, one of the best, really. Everyone loves it.

[h/t Politico]

David Matthews operates the Wayback Machine on—hop on. Got a tip? Email him: [email protected]

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