Donald Trump's press secretary just went on an unbelievably whiny rant about the media


After withering reviews of White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s Saturday evening press conference–where he yelled at reporters for their coverage of the inauguration and told a string of lies—Spicer tried another tactic in his first official briefing: begging the press to handle President Trump with kid gloves.

Asked why Spicer and, by extension, Trump, are bothering to continue litigating the topic of how many people showed up to the inauguration, Spicer protested, “It’s not just about a crowd size,” before launching into a remarkably petulant treatise about how the media just don’t appreciate Trump’s efforts.

“There’s this constant theme to undercut the enormous support he has,” Spicer continued, bemoaning how “unbelievably frustrating” it is to be told “it’s not big enough, it’s not good enough, you can’t win.”

“Over and over again, there’s a constant attempt to undermine his credibly and the movement his represents,” Spicer said. “The default narrative is always negative and it’s demoralizing.”

Of course, it’s not the media’s job to only say nice things about the president or make him feel better. After CNN’s Jim Acosta, who asked the original question, tried to cut in to say the news isn’t always going to be positive, Spicer fired back:”It’s not always gotta be negative.”

“Some days we do do the right thing, some days we are successful. Part of this is saying, when we’re right, say we’re right. When we’re wrong, say we’re wrong,” he said.

Meanwhile: Trump has not released his tax returns and, according to his perma-spokesperson Kellyanne Conway, he has no plans to do so. On Trump’s first weekday in office, he banished the Monday blues by signing an anti-abortion measure while surrounded by a group of white men.

Yeah, it’s definitely the narrative that’s negative, not the news.

White House spokesman says the media has a “constant theme to undercut” President Trump
— CNN (@CNN) January 23, 2017

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