Inspiring: Trump Claims a Little Kid Asked Him to Keep Building the Wall

White House

President Donald Trump on Monday pledged to continue building his border wall between the United States and Mexico apparently, thanks to some xenophobic encouragement from a young White House guest.

Speaking with reporters during the annual White House Easter Egg Roll, Trump claimed one of the children participants took a break from coloring holiday cards to privately urge him to “keep building that wall.”

“He’s going to be a conservative someday,” he also said.

Wow, what a politically active little scamp!

Who, I ask, was this child? Was it Don Jr., desperate for paternal love and attention? Was it Pickle, the precocious nine-year-old who famously wrote Trump that his birthday cake “was the shape of your hat”? Or perhaps Trump mistook elfin chief-of-staff Mick Mulvaney for a grade schooler who loves the wall?

Anyway, it’s encouraging to know that the president has an ear to the wants and needs of his base: kids all hopped up on candy and inflammatory rhetoric.

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