John Kasich has given us the first truly weird commercial of the 2016 election


Donald Trump wants to win the White House. John Kasich doesn’t trust him with a Porterhouse.

That is the gist of a new commercial, which may very well be the first truly weird ad of the 2016 election: One straight minute of Donald Trump bragging about his mail-order steak business as negative reviews of the steak written by anonymous QVC customers scroll by beneath him.

If Donald Trump would lie about the quality of his eponymous steaks, the ad suggests, then how can we trust him in the White House?

The ad comes from New Day for America, a group associated with John Kasich, whose previous adventure in political adveritsing compared Donald Trump to Hitler. That heavy-handed commercial proved ineffective; in one focus group, the ad made Trump supporters like him even more.

This anti-Trump ad takes a lighter, though still very meaty, approach. No word yet on what Kasich’s strategy would be should the big-haired lady from Longhorn Steakhouse choose to run.

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