Ken Bone, America's voting sweetheart, has some nasty online skeletons in his closet


A lot of times, when celebrities go to Reddit to answer questions, they need to create a new account in order to participate. Not Ken Bone. Ken Bone has been waiting for this.

The most famous undecided voter in America, who is also the second-most famous red-sweater-wearer in America, took to Reddit last night for an “Ask Me Anything” Q&A session. Unlike Bill Murray and Barack Obama, Bone already had an established Reddit account for the occasion with the screenname StanGibson18. Annnnnd, surprise, surprise, it turns out that ol’ Ken is not as lovable as he seems!

Bone’s responses to the questions kept to the established patterns of the public’s interaction with Bone:  a quarter endearing, a quarter cringing and half simple disbelief that he even exists.

Because Bone made his AMA post using his already-existing Reddit account, he gave us a window into his entire history as an active Reddit user during the last year. So what does that history tell us?

Most startling is that he seems to have predicted his future fame almost a year ago.

A less startling revelation is that he is very well-read on Lord of the Rings lore.

And no Reddit account would be complete without porn.

Mr. Bone also appears to enjoy pregnancy-based, er, erotica, referring to pregnant women as “beautiful human submarines.” Eep.

Most of Bone’s comments fall into those three categories: snarky jokes, deep fandom analysis and porn (although the porn posts appear to be rapidly disappearing as of Friday morning). Almost like he was designed in a lab by Reddit founder Alexis Ohanian in a quest to create the prototypical Reddit user.

But something went wrong along the way …

Oops. Should’ve kept that test tube in a bit longer.

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