Megyn Kelly Comes Out Strongly in Defense of Fat-Shaming


Where is Megyn Kelly these days, an impoverished soul might ask. Today, she was fondly reminiscing about the time she asked her stepfather to “fat-shame” her into staying trim on her morning talk show.

Kelly began by helpfully suggesting her guest—“Fit Mom” Maria Kang, who has her own history of body-shaming other women—try making fat-shaming into a business model.

“Some of us want to be shamed!” Kelly exclaimed. “When I was in law school, I was gaining weight, I said to my stepfather, ‘If you see me going into that kitchen one more time, you say, ‘Where you going, fat ass?’ And it works!”

Another masterful bit of ad-libbing from Kelly, whose show is best known for cringe-inducing attempts at being your racist white woman BFF and for making famous people insanely uncomfortable.

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