Mo'ne Davis isn't a slut, and neither are you


Shaming women by calling them “sluts” is nothing new, but the tactic reached a disgusting new low over the weekend when a college baseball player hurled the insult at 13-year-old Little League sensation Mo’ne Davis. Her crime? Inspiring a Disney Channel movie about her remarkable young life. (Full disclosure: Disney is a parent company of Fusion.)

In a tweet, Bloomsbury University first baseman Joey Casselberry directed seemingly gratuitous rage toward Davis, calling the film project a “joke” and saying “that slut got rocked by Nevada”—mocking her team’s loss in the Little League World Series. Casselberry has since apologized and deactivated his Twitter account, but his remorse was too little, too late: The Pennsylvania university swiftly booted Casselberry from the team, reported.

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: While slut-shaming is very real, there’s no such thing as a “slut.” Follow our flowchart and see for yourself.

Flowchart originally published on February 3, 2015.


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