New bill would make it as hard to get Viagra as it is to get an abortion in South Carolina


Last week, South Carolina Rep. Mia McLeod filed a bill that would make it harder for men to access erectile dysfunction drugs.

If the bill becomes law, men seeking drugs like Viagra would have to wait 24 hours between getting a prescription and buying the drug, would need to have continual heart-monitoring and therapy sessions after first using the drug, and would be required to sign an affidavit from a sexual partner confirming that he really does suffer from ED.

McLeod told NBC affiliate WCBD that she “purposely tried to make it as invasive, as intrusive, as hypocritical, and unnecessary as possible,” to show her male colleagues how insane abortion regulation seems to women (and reasonable men).

Sounds like too many hurdles for someone just trying to manage his sex life and control his reproduction, doesn’t it?

McLeod says she filed the bill in reaction to the numerous bills proposed to make it hard for women to have abortions.

“Those who are adamant about introducing some type of abortion bill every session, that’s really what this is about—I’m just sick of it,” McLeod told the Free Times, adding, “I just decided that until they could stay out my uterus I would refuse to stay out of their bedroom.”

She doesn’t expect the bill to go very far. “I mean, we’re in a male-dominated legislature, of course.” Good point.

Danielle Wiener-Bronner is a news reporter.

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