Pornhub released a Christmas commercial—but it's not what you'd expect


When brainstorming what to give your loved ones for the holidays, there’s one gift that doesn’t usually come to mind: A porn subscription.

For one, it’s a pretty risky move. I mean, how do you know what kind of porn Uncle Kevin likes? Second, a lot of porn is free—why pay for it? And third, well, Grandma’s face.

So what’s a porn company to do during the holidays? If you’re Pornhub, you make an endearing commercial in hopes that it’ll make viewers rethink everything they thought they knew about the gift of porn. (And yes, it’s completely SFW.)

The commercial has generated a big response since its release on Thursday—it’s already garnered more than 1,400 comments on Reddit and YouTube. Most are favorable:

And of course, some blast it for, well, selling porn:

What do you think of the ad?

Taryn Hillin is Fusion’s love and sex writer, with a large focus on the science of relationships. She also loves dogs, Bourbon barrel-aged beers and popcorn — not necessarily in that order.

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