Robot, ghost, apocalyptic survivor: Hot summer looks inspired by upcoming summer movies


I’ve been thinking a lot about how to prepare for my first summer back in New York City. It gets miserably hot here, and it’s hard to walk the line between professional and comfortable from June to September. Luckily, there are a few great movies coming out to help me narrow down my style choices.

Style Direction: You Bettah Don’t

I like a look that says “Don’t you even DARE come near me,” like this one from Mad Max: Fury Road. Perfect for subway commuting!

Style Direction: Go for the Jug

Catcalling is a scourge, but I’m looking forward to just straight up ripping out the larynx of the first dude who sucks his teeth in my direction. I’ll be taking a page from Jurassic World for the best results.

Style Direction: Ghost

If I could just apparate like this little dude in Before I Wake, life would be so much easier.

Style Direction: Old White Man

All you need are some chinos, a fedora, or anything seersucker (like Patrick Stewart in Hunting Elephants) to take the weight of the world off your shoulders. So handy for those hot summer months.

Style Direction: Breathless in the Woods

The plot of the book involves the main character having to choose between three men. But forget the three hot options for boning; if I were in Far From the Madding Crowd territory I would be throwing myself face first into a pile of the cool green clover of England all day.

Style Direction: Heap of Metal

Nothing says “ew, don’t touch me” like a scorching hot pile of steel designed for murder, like Ultron from the new Avengers movie. You can even reflect light to all of the people sitting far away from you in Prospect Park—perfect for tanning! Everybody wins.

Style Direction: Hot Pile of Garbage

Use the Entourage movie as camouflage and you can blend right in to the stacks of refuse lining every city street.

Style Direction: Legit Naked

If men get to take their shirts off in public with zero retribution then so do we.

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Danielle Henderson is a lapsed academic, heavy metal karaoke machine, and culture editor at Fusion. She enjoys thinking about how race, gender, and sexuality shape our cultural narratives, but not in a boring way.

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