Scott Walker would like to remind you he earned his bald spot in a manly injury


Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker doesn’t want you to think his bald spot is the result of something like bad genes or natural aging. That’s the kind of problem a Democrat would have.

The presidential hopeful reminded a Washington Post reporter that the hairless patch on his scalp comes from a scar he received after bumping his head fixing a kitchen sink.

“And I wish I could grow a little bit more hair on my scar up there,” he said, mentioning his bald spot, which he says is the result of having bumped his head while fixing a sink years ago and not natural aging.

This isn’t the first time Walker defended his hair without anyone really questioning it, having done so in an October 2014 visit with the Wisconsin State Journal’s editorial board. “He brought it up,” states the opening line of the article.

I would invite Gov. Walker to do a Google search for “Scott Walker bald spot” (in quotes). If he does so, he’ll find that no one really ever talks about his bald spot, except for when he talks about his bald spot. No one has ever said “I like Scott Walker’s policies, but I’m worried that minor blemish on his head wasn’t received doing minor home maintenance.”

So stop stressing about the scalp, Scott. It’s not even the weirdest hair-related oddity in the GOP primary, with Donald Trump leading in the polls.

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