Texas library cat Browser, caught up in political drama, will not be evicted after all


After getting caught up in the high-stakes city politics, Browser the library cat will not be put out of his home after all.

Browser, a shelter tabby cat, had been adopted in October 2010 by the public library in the town with the unfortunate name of White Settlement, a suburb of Fort Worth. Things were going well for nearly six years: Browser became the library’s mascot, attended GED classes and the library sells a calendar full of pictures of Browser to raise money, according to the library’s biography of Browser.

But the good times couldn’t last forever. According to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, City Council Elzie Clements called for a vote two weeks ago to remove Browser from the library. The Council voted 2-1 to remove Browser. He had 30 days to find a new home.

The reason for the vote was pure payback: Mayor Ron White told the Star-Telegram the vote was called after a city employee wasn’t allowed to bring a puppy to work.

Luckily for Browser, the library, the town and the world would not accept this. After a tremendous international response on social media, the White Settlement Council voted Friday night 3-0 to allow Browser to stay at the library.

“This is not just a cat, it’s like a family pet,” former council member Alan Price told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

Browser will now be free to get back to his favorite activity: Napping. Sleep easy, Browser.

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