Trump Brain Status: Queso Con Carne

Trump Brain Status

France’s iconic Notre Dame cathedral was in flames on Monday, and while the cause of the fire is not yet entirely clear—police reportedly suspect it’s construction-related—President Donald Trump is here to offer his expert advice.

Hey man, what if they just, like, put the fire … out? Just like, dumped hundreds of gallons of water on a historic building that’s now architecturally unsound?? [waits for those sweet retweets] Or, maybe they could just “add some additional great features and REBRAND”? Lotta great ideas coming out of this super-brain today.

This is not, in fact, President Fire Marshal’s first time sharing his expertise on the importance of proper fire safety. Late last year, Trump critiqued California’s handling of that state’s massive forest fires by comparing it to Finland, which, per the commander in chief, “spend[s] a a lot of time on raking and cleaning and doing things, and they don’t have any problem.”

Damn, somebody get this guy a helmet and hose, stat. He’ll solve this thing!

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