Useful Advice We Learned From TV Dads


Uncle Phil, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

Uncles can be great dads too.

Mike Brady, The Brady Bunch

Always dress to impress.

Homer Simpson, The Simpsons

Keep your head up. Time heals all.

Frank Costanza, Seinfeld

Do not underestimate the power of positive self-talk.

George Bluth, Arrested Development

Always know where to get your next check and provide for your family.

Eddard Stark, Game of Thrones

Always put safety first, especially when it comes to wielding a sword. (note: as GoT fans know, Arya did not listen)

Don Draper, Mad Men

Don’t break the hi-fi more than once.

Louie CK, Louie

Ultimate words of wisdom.

Rufus Humphrey, Gossip Girl

Human nature is a curious thing.

Uncle Jesse, Full House

Deal with your problems head on, kids.

Alan Matthews, Growing Pains

Stubborn people will never agree with you, even if they’re wrong. Just keep it moving.

Marshall Darling, Clarissa Explains It All

This falls into the category of “leading by example” more than outright advice, but: a good dad isn’t afraid to dress up like MC Hammer and perform with his kids.

Walter White, Breaking Bad

Reminder: dads don’t always follow their own advice.

Rev. Eric Camden, 7th Heaven

The Reverend was always dropping gems.


Bill Cosby, The Cosby Show

Happy Father’s Day, but never forget: bow down.

Alexandra DiPalma is a producer for Fusion Lightworks, Fusion’s In-house Branded Content Agency.

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