Write a pledge in honor of World Oceans Day


Surfing on the North Shore. Snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef. Sailing in Menemsha.

The ocean gives us some of life’s most unforgettable moments. It’s time we gave something back. 100 million sharks slaughtered annually. Billions of gallons of crude oil obliterating our coastlines. An island twice the size of Texas floating in the Pacific—made entirely of garbage.

Our oceans are in crisis but it’s not too late to turn the tide. In honor of World Oceans Day, we’re asking you to take one step—big or small—toward saving your ocean. Think about what matters to you and what you are capable of doing—then do something.

Get informed. Eat only sustainably sourced fish and seafood or abstain from eating fish altogether, make a donation to Oceana or Mission Blue, pick up trash from your local beach, demand that your representatives ban shark finning and shark fishing from your area.

Whatever you do, make a commitment now. Write your pledge today.

The power to save our planet’s blue heart is in our collective hands. Let’s fight the good fight.


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